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Fri, 22 Dec



Primary & Secondary Education Aquatics Launch

WSTZ address 176 teachers, school inspectors and District Heads on the issues of water safety and awareness and basics skills needed to learn to swim.

Primary & Secondary Education Aquatics Launch
Primary & Secondary Education Aquatics Launch

Time & Location

22 Dec,2023, 19:00 – 23:00

Harare, Girls' High School, Harare St, Harare, Zimbabwe

About the event

ZAU Learn to swim program together with WSTZ were invited by Mr Mahdaza Head of PE from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education to address 176 teachers, school inspectors and District Heads on the issues of water safety and awareness and basics skills needed to learn to swim. The team being made up of Debbie Wetzlar Head Facilitator of ZAU LTS and Founder Trustee of the Water Safety Trust Zimbabwe and Natasha Nyakupinda and Tichatonga Jaure both facilitators for the ZAU LTS and supporters of the WSTZ launched a very successful morning exposing the participants to water safety and non contact rescue, plus child protection and the basic skills to learn how to swim. The launch was held at Girls High School and part of the ZIMFIT roll out of 5 sports (gymnastics tennis athletics chess and aquatics) in 2024.

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