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Like what we do?
Donate to the Water Safety Trust Zimbabwe to help us build more resources, create more lessons and reach further in our education

Your support in the work we do will actively save lives. Drowning is the number one preventable death and with your help and our access to local at risk communities we can makes a difference in their lives.

With your generous donation we can design and print more posters, hire more translators to get our resources out to more communities. Create and animate more child friendly educational videos. Pay for ads to get those videos to a wider, international audience. 


Your input into our passion and expertise will also allow us to hold more physical workshops and reach more local communities to hold free practical lessons and hold demonstrations on how to safely act around water as well as how to safely rescue someone, should they need help. These in person lessons are statistically more memorable to children and adults who partake in demonstrations. 


All the while your generous donation of any amount help us prevent further needless deaths. We are appealing to companies who are looking for social and corporate responsibility community work. Safety in and around water affects every single person in a society.  We also work with several partners who help up with corporate sponsorship and once an agreement has been met you can see their logos and branding on some of our flags, flyers, and videos as we traverse the country during our workshops and lessons

Donate to the Water Safety Trust Zimbabwe

  • Where does my donation go?
    Your very kind donation, goes directly to our registered non-profit Bank account. This allows us to make more water safety recourses available to those who need it most. With your help we can make more informative posters in more languages. We can hold more events to raise awareness of the dangers and educate more people through events, clinics and training. We are even working towards reaching even more people online with short informative videos in multiple languages.

Frequently Asked

Want to work with us?

Our work makes a difference in peoples lives and we are constantly on the look out for people to join us both locally and abroad in almost any skillset. 

If you feel like you can donate your time to us to help us make more posters or videos. Improve our reach, teach classes or add any value to what we are trying to achieve we would love to hear from you!

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