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Water Safety
Trust Zimbabwe

"Anyone can drown, no one should"


Our Objective

To educate as many people as possible on the importance of water safety awareness and to respect water in any form, from dams, lakes, rivers to pools and shallow waters. To promote water safety to local and international communities.

How we make a difference

We plan to make a difference to our community through the  distribution of water safety posters, animated videos and clinics. All of the above will be available in our primary local languages - English; Shona and Ndebele.

Our Resources


WSTZ has sponsored some of the open water events in Zimbabwe.  The sponsorship is typically aimed toward the water safety; or the medical support needed for the event.

Open Day Events


Water Safety Clinics are held at events to highlight the dangers of water and how to navigate water interactions safely.

Training Classes


Included with the WSTZ clinics is the Water Specific First Aid, CPR and AED. Teaching people how to respond in a water-based emergency.

Practical Resourses

Our Goals

WSTZ aims to educate people across the nation that water is fun and many of our wonderful recreational sports are water based such as fishing/skiing/boating etc; However there should always be respect for water, as a powerful substance.  We also aim to overcome the perceptions and myths, locally and culturally throughout Africa, that create fear for water.  Myths such as mermaids will take people away in the dam/river, and many other beliefs that inhibit people from learning how to swim/ interact with water safely.


We are hoping to co-partner with businesses who are like-minded towards community and take up the social and corporate responsibility of protecting the community. We know that drowning is preventable if people are given the tools to make safe decisions when entering water.

How we meet our goals

1)    Distribute posters to schools, rural areas, community halls in Zimbabwe’s three main languages.


Help Us Educate More
at Risk Communities

Our Partners

We are proud to work with innovators who care about community safety and have pledged to help us educate more.


Contact Us

44 Broadlands Road, Emerald Hill, Harare

+263 772 228 720

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